Heroic council worker killed as he tried to save small child from raging footballer in Milton Keynes

A heroic council worker was killed when he stepped in to save a two-year-old child from a footballer in a rage, an inquest heard today.

Highways officer Richard Woodcock had been asleep in his flat with his wife when he was awoken by the sounds of banging and a woman screaming in June last year.

Woodcock, 38, was found dead by Thames Valley Police officers after they forced their way into a property in Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, on 26 June 2021.

Officers were called to the scene at around 9.40am over an ongoing disturbance at the residence before discovering his body.

Forensics at the scene. Photo by INS Forensics at the scene. Photo by INS
Forensics at the scene. Photo by INS

Milton Keynes Coroner's Court heard how he tried to help a two-year-old boy who was thought to be in danger at the next-door flat.

A 24-year-old male, Kelvin Odichukumma Igweani – a German footballer - was subsequently shot dead by a police officer at the scene.

Coroner Tom Osborne ruled that Mr Woodcock was unlawfully killed, and a post-mortem into his death showed he had suffered traumatic head injuries, consistent with repeated blows to the head.

他补充说,这个小男孩,他遭受了life-threatening injuries and needed surgery, was saved by Mr Woodcock's "heroic conduct".

It is understood that a large kettlebell was used as a weapon on Mr Woodcock, the court heard.

Mr Woodcock was assaulted and "his life was lost", the coroner said, but "he saved the life of a two-year-old boy".

The court was told he had reacted after an "altercation" in the neighbouring flat, which had sent a screaming woman rushing to his home who was "fearful of her life and was obviously in an agitated state".

When he went to help, the door was opened, and he was dragged in and attacked "to the point where he was hit with a 4kg dumbbell", the coroner said.

Mr Osborne added that the victim's death has had a "devastating" effect on his family, who will be "haunted" by what happened and that a life was "needlessly" taken.

Earlier, the court had heard that Mr Woodcock's wife was on a 999 call to police after being alerted by a woman who was shouting for help.

伍德考克先生然后决定去看看他help the child who was in the flat. A woman and another young child had managed to flee the address before the police arrived.

When the police forced their way in, they immediately saw a dead man, later identified as Mr Woodcock.

Detective Sergeant Mike West, of Thames Valley Police, told the court that two firearms officers had responded to the incident and were at the scene.

A Taser was used on Mr Igweani, who had become "aggressive", Mr West said.

"Officers gained entry to the address and saw Mr Woodcock prone on the floor. There was a large kettlebell and he had significant head injuries," he added.

Mr Igweani barricaded himself in the main bedroom after a Taser was discharged but was ineffective, the inquest was previously told.

Armed officers tried to get into that room, where the boy child could be heard crying, as well as the sounds of an ongoing assault.

A police firearm was discharged once officers gained entry to the bedroom, and first aid was administered.

The coroner said that "officer shots were fired and Mr Igweani suffered gunshot wounds" and was pronounced dead at the scene.

The coroner said the child suffered serious injuries and spent two months in hospital, but had made a full recovery.

The coroner recorded a verdict of unlawful killing for Mr Woodcock.

He said: "This was a life that was needlessly taken but what everyone should appreciate is that the actions of Mr Woodcock that led to the loss of his life almost certainly contributed to saving the life of a two-year-old who was being subject to a horrific assault that resulted in life-threatening injuries.

"By Mr Woodcock's actions, the child was given a chance to receive life-saving treatment. He saw and heard what was going on and knew that a child was in danger and he heroically went to the scene.

"He lost his own life but he did save a life. I want to recognise the bravery, courage and heroic conduct of Mr Woodcock. He was born in MK, he died in MK and he will be remembered in Milton Keynes for a long time."

An inquest into Igweani's death is expected to be held in June.

Following the tragedy, aGoFundMe pageraised £8,650 for Mr Woodcock’s wife and children.