Woman receives criminal banning order for Milton Keynes

A woman has been banned from certain parts of Milton Keynes following a court hearing on Monday (25 April).

ByJames Lowson
Thursday, 28th April 2022, 12:31 pm

Sasha Martin is banned from North Ninth and North Tenth Street and Silbury Boulevard, High Wycombe Magistrates Court heard.

The 29-year-old of no fixed abode, is banned from entering these places for the next five years.

Also, Martin must not: remain on any land or premises having been asked to leave by the owner or occupier.

Sasha Martin

She can’t consume or be in possession of an open container or vessel of alcohol within a public place.

PC Sarah McCarthy, the officer in charge of the case said: “The Aylesbury Neighbourhood Policing Team has been working with the Milton Keynes Neighbourhood Policing Team and have jointly applied for this application following a number of incidents of anti-social behaviour involving Sasha Martin in Aylesbury and Milton Keynes.

“This order demonstrates that we will not tolerate behaviour which has a detrimental effect on people’s livelihood or business.

“I hope this order shows that we will use any tool available to us in order to stop those who seeks to engage in abusive, threatening or physical abuse against other members of the community.”