Yet another violent incident involving a weapon in Milton Keynes results in fifth Section 60 to be imposed this month

Police do not believe the incident was related to last week’s violence

Another Section 60 stop and search order is in place today (Wednesday) following yet another violent incident in Milton Keynes .

Yesterday officers attended a report of a man carrying an offensive weapon in Thompson Street in New Bradwell.

Police have not said what the weapon was, but it is believed to be a knife.

This is the area covered by the latest Section 60 This is the area covered by the latest Section 60
This is the area covered by the latest Section 60

A 36-year-old man has been arrested in connection with this incident and is currently in police custody.

The incident came on the same day that Police and Crime Commissioner Matthew Barber hosted a special conference in Milton Keynes to discuss the tackling of knife crime.

The latest Section 60 will last until tonight, giving police extra powers to stop people and search them for weapons. It covers the area shown in the map and is bordered by Railway Walk, the V7, the V6 and Newport Road.

Inspector Darren Deane, based at Milton Keynes police station, said: “We’ve put this order in place to give us extra stop and search powers while we investigate exactly what has happened, as well as to protect the public and to prevent any further outbreaks of violence.

“I would also like to point out that we do not believe this incident was related to other instances of violence which have taken place recently in Milton Keynes.”

This is thefifth Section 60 to be imposed in the city this month. The violence kicked off on June 5 when ateenager was stabbed and seriously injuredby a group of four masked men on Fishermead.

Then on June 17 a teenager was stabbed on Bradwell Common by a group of offenders. One fled the scene and was later arrested by armed police in Primark at the centre:mk, prompting the store to be evacuated.

Finally, last week groups of males were spotted with knives on three different estates, prompting a large-scale police search involving the force helicopter.

The men were seen on Heelands, Bradwell Common and Eaglestone and there was an increased police in all those areas.

Anybody with information about the latest incident in New Bradwell should call 101, quoting reference number 43230283861. Alternatively, they can call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.