'We don't want noisy quad bike centre in our peaceful area of Milton Keynes', say protesters

The planning application has prompted a host of objections

A retrospective planning permission for a quad bike centre that’s already been running at the site for years has prompted a host of objections.

Quadrenalin Quadbiking Centrehave operated from Great Firs in Great Brickhill for the past eight and a half years with no planning permission.

But now they must apply for backdated consent to be there – and this has given residents a chance to vent their views.

Quadrenalin has been running successfully in Little Brickhill for more than eight years Quadrenalin has been running successfully in Little Brickhill for more than eight years
Quadrenalin has been running successfully in Little Brickhill for more than eight years

Theapplication, which is being considered byBuckinghamshire Council,是为了改变四biki使用的土地ng facility with associated tracks, training area, ancillary buildings and landscaping.

中心遵循政府legi Quadrenalin说slation and their instructors are trained by the European Institute of ATVs.

"From the entrance a very small portion of the centre can be seen, only the wooden shelters which are actually horse shelters. The rest of the site cannot been seen from the road by foot or vehicle,” their application states.

But it’s not the aesthetics that are worrying residents. They say the quad bikes cause noise, pollution, damage to wildlife and increased traffic on country lanes in their village.

Little Brickhill Parish Council state: "Access to the site is along Little Brickhill Lane. This is a C-class single-track country lane of less than 4.5 metres width (and in some place considerably less than that – down to as little as 3 metres). The lane is used by dog walkers, ramblers, horse riders, and cyclists...”

In its objection Great Brickhill Parish Council stated: “The Parish Council is mindful that there continues to be considerable and strong opposition to the quad biking facility from village residents (and also from residents of Little Brickhill), and this has been voiced on a regular basis to Parish Councillors over the years.

"This is reflected in the many responses opposing the application which the planning authority will have seen – all of these from local residents – compared with the fewer number of responses from those supporting the application, nearly all of whom do not live locally and are not adversely affected by the development.”

Milton KeynesCity Council has also objected on grounds of loss of amenity to residents because of noise issues, vehicular access to the site, parking arrangements and increased traffic on the lane.

Many residents have also submitted formal objections, saying it’s a “totally inappropriate” use of the countryside and it causes noise and atmospheric pollution.

The application was submitted a year ago but the consultation period ended last month so it’s likely to be determined shortly.

An officer for Bucks Council’s Environmental Health department said: "I believe that the quadbike operation... need not result in an unacceptable degradation of local residential amenity if proportionate controls are put in place"

But local councillor David Bratt is pressing strongly for it to be refused.

He said: “The site is located in what was a very tranquil and beautiful countryside. Engine noise threatens wildlife and impacts residents.”

The application is being made retrospectively as it has been operating without permission for several years. This should not be tolerated."

“I strongly object to the application.”