Have your say this weekend on Thame’s future

ISSUES such as how many new homes should be built in Thame and what facilties the town needs are being discussed today, tomorrow and Sunday in the town hall.

A spokesman for the town council said: “The purpose of the event is to find out in more detail what the issues are locally forThame.

“To gather together the ideas people who live or work in the town have for what could be better and so that the team working on the plan can understand face to face what people think?

“The neighbourhood plan idea comes from new legislation proposed by the government to give communities more say in their area and the right to put together a plan for submission to the district council for approval following a public vote, or referendum.

“政府提出了n的细节eighbourhood plans are still being finalised but Thame Town Council has decided to get a head start to ensure that a strong vision is developed for the future of Thame, in partnership with residents and businesses.

The events on 7 and 8 October are open to anyone to come along.

Friday 7 October

Drop-in open to all from 11.00am to 9.00pm; come any time you like or can

Workshops on Future Housing at 11.30am and 7.00pm

Workshop on the Future Town Centre at 2.30pm

Saturday 8 October

Drop-in open to all from 10.00am to 4.00pm; come any time you like or can

Workshop on the Future Town Centre at 11.30am

Workshop on Future Housing at 2.30pm

Sunday 9 October

Summary session probably from 11.00am until 1.00pm where the team will feed back the initial results from the workshops and drop-ins.

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