Can you spot the mistake on this grid road sign in Milton Keynes?

The sign is on the V4

Monday, 11th October 2021, 3:03 pm
更新 Tuesday, 12th October 2021, 3:44 pm

MK Council has come under fire for misspelling the name of one of the borough's biggest new estates.

A sign on the V4 Watling Street directs people to Two Mile Ash, Whitehouse, Greenley, Hodge Lea, Kiln Farm and 'Fairfield' instead of Fairfields.

Fairfields, part of MK's Western Expansion Area, will eventually have more than 2,200 homes.

Spot the missing letter on this sign in Milton Keynes

"It's just sloppy work," said one resident. "You really would think MK Council would get the name of a housing estate right."

A spokesman for MK Council said today: "This sign was put up by the developer – we’ll make them aware so they can change it to show the correct name."