Classic Route 66 American diner to open in Milton Keynes, complete with waffles, hot dogs, Hershey's hot chocolate and root beer

It’s going to be an exciting and vibrant place to eat, promise the owners

A vibrant new Route 66Americandiner is to open in CentralMilton Keynesnext week – and it’s set to bring a whole new flavour to the city centre.

The company promises a traditionalUSAexperience that come “across the States to MK”, complete with their signature ‘66er’ hot dogs with bacon

There will also be Pop Tarts, cookie dough with ice cream, waffles and Waffle Dogs. Drinks include American thick milkshakes, Reese’s Hot Chocolate, Hershey’s hot chocolate, Cookies & Cream hot chocolate, American sodas and root beer.

Route 66 is bringing a taste of American dining to Central Milton Keynes Route 66 is bringing a taste of American dining to Central Milton Keynes
Route 66 is bringing a taste of American dining to Central Milton Keynes

In the retail area there will be a massive array of American pick & mix sweets as well as popular USA snacks such as Nachos and chips (or crisps as we call them in the UK!)

The diner, set to open on Friday July 14, is located in Silbury Arcade opposite 02 and can seat up to 20 customers at a time.

A Route 66 spokesman said: “ it will be a vibrant but casual eating experience catering to the broad range of centre:mk visitors. If you just want a take away or sit down it’s a perfect location for lunch, a snack or just a treat.

"Have you tried an A&W Root Beer float? It’s not to be missed!”

The spokesman added: “We are really happy to be opening in Milton Keynes and cant wait to open our doors we feel it will be a great addition to centre:mk.”

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