Could this be the most caring pub in Milton Keynes?

The landlady is inviting all children in for free breakfasts during the summer holidays

A pub that prides itself of helping the community could win the title of the most caring pub inMilton Keynes.

Halley’s Comet on Bradville frequently lays on free activities for local people, particularly for the elderly and the very young.

This summer, as the cost of living crisis continues to bite, it is throwing open its doors every single morning to provide slap-up free breakfasts for children.

Halley's Comet goes to to great lengths to help the local community in MK Halley's Comet goes to to great lengths to help the local community in MK
Halley's Comet goes to to great lengths to help the local community in MK

And, to keep them amused, landlady Anna Clarke is running a regular programme of free activities, including biscuit decorating, crafts, games and sports.

Meanwhile, every Saturday morning, she is turning the pub into a cinema and inviting the children in to watch movies while they eat breakfast – again, all for free.

And if children get peckish at lunchtimes or evenings, the pub provides them with a meal for just £1.

Anna, who has a seven-year-old daughter herself, said: “ For any families struggling throughout the six weeks holiday we will have a free kids’ breakfast club everyday from 11am to 12pm with cereals, toast and more. No booking is required for any activities - just come along and have some fun.”

她说她的目标是确保每个人在Bradville community is happy.

"Halley’s Comet is on an estate and most of our customers live locally. I’ve lived on Bradville my whole life, so I take my role as pub landlady seriously. Looking after everyone in the community is really important to me,” she said.

On Christmas morning last year she opened the pub an hour early specially for people who were spending the day alone. She will provide free tea, coffee, mince pies and biscuits to make the gathering go with a swing.

“We have a lot of lonely people who come in the pub for a chat or to cheer themselves up. I hate to think that there are some who will be spending Christmas alone,” she said at the time.

She also holds regular fun days to raise money for local charities and good causes.

Does your local pub care for the community. Tell us about the special things they do.


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