Furious Milton Keynes mum hits back at trolls who shamed her young daughter for having a squint

MK Beauty salon owner Emma Prince, 35, had posted a cute heartwarming video on TikTok

An indignant mum has hit back at cruel trolls who shamed her pretty young daughter for having a squint.

MK Beauty salon owner Emma Prince, 35, had posted a cute heartwarming video onTikTokpage of three-year-oldPenelopeon holiday in Morocco, wearing a traditional turban.

But the innocent post attracted dozens of mean comments about the little girl’s eyes. One man wrote: “Your kid is cross-eyed” while another user stated: “That child's eye needs seeing to.”

Emma and daughter Penelope Emma and daughter Penelope
Emma and daughter Penelope

Another woman wrote: “That girl needs medical eye care – asap.”

In fact, little Penelope is almost blind in that eye. She is due to have eye surgery this summer to correct the squint, officially known as strabismus, and has been seeing doctors about her condition since she was just three months old.

Sadly, the surgery will not correct the visual problems but it will straighten her eye, said Emma, who runsThe Vanity House beauty salon in Bletchley.

"It’s purely cosmetic and sadly it won’t help her see. But I’m doing it so she won’t get teased as she gets older. Already other children are starting to say unkind things to her about her eye. And the whole TikTok thing has proved just how horrible people can be.”

The innocent post attracted dozens of mean comments about the little girl’s eyes.  One man wrote: “Your kid is cross-eyed” while another user stated: “That child's eye needs seeing to.” The innocent post attracted dozens of mean comments about the little girl’s eyes.  One man wrote: “Your kid is cross-eyed” while another user stated: “That child's eye needs seeing to.”
The innocent post attracted dozens of mean comments about the little girl’s eyes. One man wrote: “Your kid is cross-eyed” while another user stated: “That child's eye needs seeing to.”

Penelope was born prematurely, weighing just 4lbs, and doctors believe this may have caused her eye problem.

"She’s a gorgeous little girl and she luckily she hasn’t picked up on the trolling. She doesn’t think anything at all is wrong with her eyes.” said Emma. “But it broke my heart to have to defend her over something she was born with.”

After the nasty comments, Emma sat her daughter down and recorded another video.

In it, she asks Penelope whether she likes her eyes, and the little girl replies: 'So gorgeous!'

Penelope is a gorgeous little girl Penelope is a gorgeous little girl
Penelope is a gorgeous little girl

Emma asks what they will do at the hospital this summer and the tot says: “Fix my eye because it's broken.”

The determined mum has now published the video on TikTok in a bid to shame the online bullies.

"I’m spreading the word that it is NOT okay to online troll, bully and discriminate. It’s damaging and extremely hurtful. My perfect Pea I won’t shut up and put up, ever.”

Emma Prince has hit back at trolls who pointed out her daughter's eye problem Emma Prince has hit back at trolls who pointed out her daughter's eye problem
Emma Prince has hit back at trolls who pointed out her daughter's eye problem
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