Meet Billy, the fittest six-year-old in Milton Keynes who's competing in a gruelling triathlon

He’ll have to run, swim and cycle long distances

A remarkable six year old boy from MK is set to compete in a gruelling triathlon that would defeat many adults

Super-fitBillyWilliams will have to run, swim and cycle long distances at the popularHenley Triathlonlater this month.

And he’s determined that his efforts will raise money forWillen Hospice, with aJustGiving pageset up specially for people to donate.

Billy Williams, 6,  is competing in his firth triathlon Billy Williams, 6,  is competing in his firth triathlon
Billy Williams, 6, is competing in his firth triathlon

Billy’s dad Danny Williams is a personal trainer known asCoach DWand has worked with numerous Olympic athletes and celebrities. He taught Billy to swim almost as soon as he could walk and by the age of two, the youngster was swimming 10 lengths.

Danny, a former Fitness Manager and PT for David Lloyd Leisure, said: “I used to own a country pub with a lake and pond in the grounds and it was always important that Billy learned to swim at a young age. But I had no idea he would really take to swimming the way he has.

Last year Billy become the first five year old in the UK to swim a kilometre of front crawl non-stop, a feat he achieved at the David Lloyd Club in MK.

He is “athletics mad” and likes nothing better than going for a run or cycle around Willen Lake or lifting weights in the family’s home gym, said his dad.

Billy loves to swim Billy loves to swim
Billy loves to swim

“Billy has always been in a fitness and training environment and also loves lifting weights, ever since lockdowns when he and his elder brother would just hang out in the home gym,” he said.

“More recently, Billy took to Parkrun but quite typically refused to do the children’s version, instead insisting on doing the adults one aroundWillen Lake every Saturday morning.

“Given his love of swimming, as well as cycling and running around Willen Lake, attempting a triathlon seemed a natural next step.”

Billy, who who attends Glastonbury Thorn School in Shenley Church End, is determined to raise £200 through his efforts at the Henley triathlon.

He wants the money to go to Willen Hospice because he passes the place regularly during his cycle rides and runs around the lake.


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