Milton Keynes mum warns parents after son, 7, was 'groomed' by pervert on Fortnite game

The player told the little boy he was 'sexy' and asked him to call him daddy

A distraught MK mum has warned all parents of Fortnite players to beware of a man who tried to groom her seven year old son.

She allowed the little boy to stay up and play the popular battle game as a treat on Saturday evening.

But she was horrified to discover that within a 45 minute period, an online stranger claiming to be 16 years old had groomed him.

Fortnite is a popular online game. Photo is by Getty Images and is posed by models.

"This wierdo managed to convince my son to call him ”daddy and baby” and said if he didn’t then he would come find him," she said.

"He was asking to have sex with him, for my son to give him 'sucky sucky'."

The pervert asked the boy if he could hear his 'moan voice' and said he sounded 'cute'.

"But the even scarier thing is that my son was complying with it because this guy told him too. And threatened him," said the mum, who took screenshots of the sick messages and published them on social media, complete with the other player's profile name.


"I asked my son why he didn’t tell me, and he said he was worried that if he did then this guy would come find him," she added.

"It took this weirdo a matter of hours to get my child to do what he wanted! He claimed he was 16 years old.. Personally I believe he is older. I have found him on YouTube bragging about winding the “kids” up on Fortnite. This was just hours after he started grooming my child."

The mum reported to incident to police and said they have been "great" with officers coming out to speak to the little boy.

"My son's school has been amazing. The police have been amazing," she said.


"They (the police) have said it is so shocking what this guy is saying and how he has gone about it. Unfortunately it’s a worldwide game so to catch this person is near impossible. To get his IP address is pretty much impossible as it’s a privacy infringement.

"I have had to explain to my child what grooming is. What a paedophile is. What sex is. A conversation I thought I wouldn’t need to have until a few years' time."

妈妈问其他家长分享她的故事on social media to warn as many people as possible.

"Parents, please check the messages and contents. Talk to your kids. My child was too scared to tell me and it makes me sick to my stomach to think this is happening to other kids." she said.