Picture shows big police escort spotted in Milton Keynes this morning

A police escort involving several vehicles and blue lights came into Milton Keynes this morning.

The procession came down the A5 and exited at CMK at around 9.45am.

There were four police cars that appeared to be escorting a dark-coloured van. All the vehicles were travelling at just over 60mph.

Rather than go in the direction of the police station, it turned left.

The police escort pictured on the A5 at Milton Keynes

"It all looked very dramatic. It must have involved someone really important in the van. It didn’t look like anything I’ve ever seen before,” said one witness.

"It was definitely a case of police escorting the van rather than following it,” she added.

Police escorts are used to ensure people get to their destination in a safe manner. The subject can range from VIPs deemed to need protection or heads of state or a prisoner deemed to be dangerous who needs to be taken to court.

Celebrities can also hire a private escort.