Free expert training available for SME businesses

周一,7 February 2022, 3:10 pm
Updated Tuesday, 8th February 2022, 3:19 pm
Free expert training for SME's

Free training

An initiative that provides free expert training and resources to help enhance the digital capabilities of Britain’s SME businesses - has received a huge boost with the news that global consumer technology leader Samsung Electronics UK will be joining the initiative as an ‘Exclusive Smartphone Partner

From today, SMEs will be able to access a new range of free digital training courses covering everything from optimising connectivity on the go to connecting all your devices seamlessly to enable worry-free productivity.

The news follows a similar announcement last year which saw Cisco join thebusiness.connectedinitiative.

Words of advice for SME's

Founder, Enterprise Nation, Emma Jones CBE, said: “Small business owners have done an amazing job leveraging digital tools over the past two years, I’m delighted that business.connected has helped tens of thousands of entrepreneurs digitise their businesses.

“We’re not stopping now, the addition of Samsung to the programme will help us offer a broader range of support to more small businesses.”

Boosting business through technology

Launched in May 2021, business.connected provides free, expert digital training to small businesses to help them adopt technology, boost digital skills and stay safe online.

The initiative aims to upskill up to 150,000 SMEs in the UK by mid-year. Courses are accessed through the Vodafone V-Hub and cover everything from setting up a business online, digital marketing, and cybersecurity.

Training available for SME businesses (photo: Rapeepat -

In November 2021, Dragons’ Den investor Steven Bartlett was unveiled as a business.connectedambassador to help drive awareness of the initiative and free training courses amongst the small business community.

To date, more than 65,000 SME businesses across the UK have been supported by the online trainingprogramme – with courses on digital marketing and boosting productivity proving to be the most popular.

To find out more about business.connected and the range of courses available visit: