Leah Bedford: Body found in York river in search for missing schoolgirl

A body has been found in a river in search for a schoolgirl, Leah Bedford, who went missing more than a week ago.

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A body has been found in a river in a search for a missing schoolgirl. Officers looking for Leah Bedford, 16, found a body in the River Ouse in York at around 1pm today (September 28).

Leah was last seen by her friends on the morning of September 20 and a confirmed sighting of her on CCTV showed her at the edge of the River Ouse, later that day. Underwater search officers alsodiscovered a mobile phoneused by Leah in the river on Monday (September 25).

你们正式的鉴定t to have taken place but Leah's next of kin have been informed about the discovery.

A North Yorkshire Police spokesperson said: "Although formal identification has yet to be carried out, Leah’s next of kin have been informed. Pending the results of a post mortem, a report will be prepared for the Coroner to inform a future inquest."