UK motorist convicted for driving with sofa tied to roof of convertible car- after receiving police warning

The UK driver was warned by police prior to driving on the A286 in Singleton

A UK motorist driver has been convicted for travelling with a strange item on the roof of his convertible car. Matthew Dummer was disqualified fromdrivingafter loading a sofa and a mattress onto hisRenaultcoupe.

PC Tom Van Der Wee from the Roads Policing Unit had warned him not to drive with the items on the roof after spotting the car parked outside Dummer’s home address in Stedham,West Sussex. But the 34-year-old was seendrivingon the A286 in Singleton with the same load being carried.

He chose to go to trial at Portsmouth Crown Court where he was found guilty of the charge, and at a sentencing hearing on July 6 he was disqualified from driving for one year. Dummer, who is unemployed, was sent a notice of intended prosecution (NIP) for dangerousdriving.

The court also ordered him to complete 60 hours of unpaid work and pay £95 court costs. Speaking after the case PC Van Der Wee said: “It should be obvious to any competent driver just how ridiculous it is carrying a load such as this on a soft top car.

“By forgoing all common sense and ignoring my warning, he put other road users at significant risk.

A UK motorist driver has been convicted for travelling with a strange item on the roof - of his convertible car. A UK motorist driver has been convicted for travelling with a strange item on the roof - of his convertible car.
A UK motorist driver has been convicted for travelling with a strange item on the roof - of his convertible car.

“A vehicle and its load are subjected to a number of forces when in motion. Had this particular load have come loose and struck a pedestrian, cyclist or indeed any other road user, we would almost certainly have been dealing with a fatality.

“As well as being disqualified from driving for 12 months, Dummer must now re-do his driving test and will inevitably face higher insurance premiums as a result of this disqualification.”

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