Jules needs game time to get used to his role in Dons' defence

"I've made mistakes but the manager has made it clear he's not going to get angry at any of us for making mistakes"
Zak Jules Zak Jules
Zak Jules

Zak Jules admits he has made mistakes in his first few games playing at centre back forMK Donsbut says he is having to learn on the job as he gets used to the way the team wants to play.

The 24-year-old has made just three starts in his natural position since signing on transfer deadline day, making more as a makeshift wing-back since arriving from Walsall. Two of his starts at centre back have produced clean sheets for Dons but he admitted there have been mistakes along the way.

"I'm learning on the job," he said. "I started in the team playing at wing-back which isn't my position but it was good to get some minutes. Watching the way we play from out there compared to being in the backline is completely different.

"I've made mistakes but the manager has made it clear he's not going to get angry at any of us for making mistakes if we're doing the right things."

Having to patiently bide his time before getting his opportunity to ply his trade in the position he was brought in to play, Jules said the centre-back position at Dons requires a lot more getting used to than simply slotting back into a traditional role and he is still finding his way.

He said: "It has taken a little while to get in there and it's good to be playing in a position where I'm most comfortable.

"It's very different. It's enjoyable but it takes a lot of getting used to. There is a lot of pressure on the backline to produce and build-up play. In other teams I've played in, you only have a handful of actions in possession. So here, it's a case of keeping concentration all the time because you have to be ready to take control of the ball. It has taken some getting used to but I feel I'm getting used to it game by game.

"In a lot of teams in the Football League, you have that option of hitting it into an area. Here, under Russ, that is unacceptable. You have to find a solution and keep possession. That's great because it puts pressure on us to come up with our own solutions quickly.

"Getting more minutes in the team and getting used to the system is helping me get better."

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