Dons’ former cult hero midfielder joins Ebbsfleet United

‘King Ouss’ is on the move, signing for the National League side

FormerMK Donsmidfielder Ouss Cisse has signed forNational Leagueside Ebbsfleet United.

The 32-year-old gained cult status atStadium MKduring his two-year spell at the club between 2017 and 2019. He racked up 67 appearances and scored three goals, most notably the winner in the FA Cup againstQPRto sendRobbie Neilson’s side through to the fourth round.

Released after helping Dons topromotionfromLeague Twounder Paul Tisdale, the popular Malian signed forGillingham, before spells at莱顿东方, Oldham Athletic andEastleigh- where he played alongside another former Dons player in the form ofJake Hesketh- followed.

“I like to play football, to be on the ball and dictate the game,” he said in signing for the Fleet. “Because I’m tall, I’m there to win headers and I’m quite aggressive but most of my qualities are to be on the ball and to make us play.”